Argentian Chorizo and Huatekerekere

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Argentian Chorizo and Huatekerekere

After returning to Takapō and soaking in the hot pools, looking at the whetu until the small hours of the morning, it was off to ascend Huatekerekere – Mt Peel. A friend had walked the lower slopes in her youth and was keen to get to the top. Perfect winter conditions meant this was achieved easily via the South Ridge route. We had ascertained it was steep, however Strava informed me that in a one kilometre stretch of the track we ascended 332 metres. Some parts were rock climbing and we made the summit in good time.

At the summit was another sausage. El Jefe has planted an Argentinian chorizo on the top of Huatekerekere. This chorizo has more spice and heat than it’s Uruguayan counterpart. Of similar grind, this beef and pork sausage has greater flavour and more intensity than the Uruguayan chorizo we ate in the Two Thumb Range. The combination of heat and meat makes for a great sausage. I enjoyed this sausage and would definitely buy these again.

Later on in the day we ventured into the Talbot Forrest to see if we could spot pekapeka – the New Zealand bat. These are the only endemic mammal in New Zealand and are small and weigh between 6-8 grams. We walked the bush until well after dark, spied another Argentinian chorizo, but did not see any bats leaving the trees where they roost. They are a challenge to spot.

It had been a great trip to South Canterbury with time in the snowy mountains and in the hills. Both of these refresh the soul and are great for my spirit. Coupled with  great company, korero, sausages and katakata, it had been a memorable escapade in the hills.

whetu – stars, korero – talk, katakata – laugh

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