Dutch Braadworst
Today I went to Park Ave Quality meats to buy sausages for a tramp my sons and I are undertaking in the Nelson Lakes National Park. We are completing the Travers-Sabine Circuit with a side trip to Blue Lake. We will move at a leisurely pace and take six days to complete the trip. Watch for a posting of the sausage exploits on this tramp. We are eating sausages, salami and cheese for breakfast and lunch for most of the tramp. I gave my sons the choice of sausages to bring. One chose kabonosy from Park Ave, the other chose Island Bay Butchers pork and fennel. I will be eating Park Ave’s kolbaz. I hope to take some great photos of sausages and scenery on our tramp. More info later.
While in the shop buying kabanosy, I also brought some Dutch Braadworst. These were eaten for tea. They are a very nice sausage, to quote my daughter, “They were yum.” These are sausages that most people will love; a simple pork and beef sausage lightly seasoned with a few herbs, but the primary flavour is meat. These are finely ground. An excellent taste. The family was very satisfied. We ate these with cold ham, fresh potatoes that had a lime and mustard dressing drizzled over then, and chick pea, corn, red capsicum, red onion, cucumber and avocado salad. A very nice summer evening meal.
Cost per kilo: $16.99
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