Manuka Honey and Hickory Sausage

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Manuka Honey and Hickory Sausage

As the weather gods continue to evade Raglan denying us the weather we are accustomed to up here, I headed off to Top Cut Butchers and purchased some more snarlers. This time I bought some manuka honey and hickory sausages. I also purchased a couple of pork steaks.

The manuka honey and hickory sausage is a beef sausage that is finely ground. The sweetness of the manuka honey complimented the beefiness of the meat. This is another enjoyable sausage from Top Cut Butchers, it has elements of both the sweetness of the honey and savoury. I would buy this again – although we did struggle to identify the hickory elements.


This was thoroughly enjoyable snarler that will be appreciated by the masses.

We ate these with some pork steaks, a potato and green salad.

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