Cevapcici sausages at the NZ Road Relays

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Cevapcici sausages at the NZ Road Relays

It is October and time for the NZ Road Relays. Due to misfortune, the usual route from the Sign of the Takahe to Akaroa was changed 10 days out from the event. A replacement route was hastily organised at Bottle Lake Forest Park near Christchurch.

As usual I brought sausages for the van. Alas there was no van this year, due to the altered course being centred on one spot. However, a group of club members travelled to Christchurch via the ferry and a van from Picton. So, there were sausages and a van.

The cevapcici sausages were well received and were eaten cold on the way the Christchurch. These morsels meat allow the beef and pork to dominate the garlic, paprika, salt and pepper that is added to enhance flavour. Cevapcici are a popular sausage that will appeal to the masses. You can not buy these sausages over the counter of a butcher’s shop in Wellington. I keep in contact with Gordon, who ran Park Ave Quality Meats, he will whip some up for me if I ask him nicely.

I ran for the Scottish M60 team. I was very pleased to run the fastest five kilometres I have ran for a couple of years. I was the slowest in our team, and we finished fourth in our grade. It was an enjoyable weekend with great running from all involved.

This photo shows me about 800m from the finish, I had seen stars and squares in front of my eyes during kilometre four, I thought I had listened to my body and slowed down. I was surprised when my watch told me that kilomtere four and five were both run at the same pace. I find I run hard when I do not want to let my team mates down. A good day’s running.

And what can be learnt from the weekend? Cevapcici sausages will make you run fast!

For other links to sausages in the van at the NZ Road Relays, read here, here and here.

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